そして2009年、公開劇場の動員記録を打ち立てた伝説的長編『PRISM』での劇場デビューから8年の時を経て、ついに渾身のオリジナル長編作品が完成した。それが本作『OUR BRIEF ETERNITY』だ。
音楽は福島作品で長年コンビを組む関口純(kursant)と、坂本龍一トリビュートに参加するなど実力と独自の世界観を兼ね備えるUnnecessary Noise Prohibitedがコラボレーション。退廃的なロックと美しいピアノ&ストリングスのハーモニーが、せつなく響き渡る。
“I was supposed to forget everything”
Takuya Fukushima is described as a charismatic independent movie director in the independent film industry in Tokyo.
He is known for his various works for the competent creators group in Japan from his company P-kraft.
8 years has passed since his first feature film ‘PRISM’, which drew a record turn-out at an independent theater ‘Cinema Shimokitazawa’ in 2001.
Now in 2009, his new film called ‘OUR BRIEF ETERNITY’ has finally released.
Along with leading actor Kouta Kusano who is supported by a lot of enthusiastic fans has acted in many films and TV dramas such as ‘Partner’ and ‘Like Grains of Sand’.
He portrays a stereo typical bum which breaks through all his traditional roles in the past.
Jun Sekiguchi (kursant) who is Takuya Fukushima’s leading film music director collaborated with the band ‘Unnecessary Noise Prohibited’ who was joined by Ryuichi Sakamoto’s tribute album, to produce the film’s heart-rending harmonious music; consisting of a decadent rock melody mixed in harmony with a gorgeous piano and string composition.
This film takes place in Tokyo where an imaginary epidemic has spread out of control.
This is a ‘psychological fantasy’ where the people create human dramas related to their loss of precious memories in their lives.
This is a story about Tokyo unlike any other city.